What to do ................
By Mary OK here are the facts. Yesterday was my 7th day in a row of work. Now I have Wednesday and Thursday off. I had a GREAT day planned. Now on to the facts….
One of the reasons I really like going to the gym is because I can watch my two favorite TV stations-Food Network and HGTV- while on the treadmill. The other day I watched Michael Chiarello make “Perfectly Grilled Radicchio”. Now that looked really interesting!! So instead of feeling bad that Rex and I have different days off, I decided I could cook things that appealed to me and not have to give a thought about the fact that Rex wouldn’t touch radicchio with a ten foot pole. I could have a dinner party with the next door neighbors (they will eat anything!!). COOL---I am now pumped about my days off!!
So what to make to serve with radicchio?? After looking at several internet recipe sites and several cookbooks, I opted for garlic, ginger, and lime pork loin. Yesterday I put the pork loin in the fridge to marinate. Can’t wait….this is going to be fun!!
So I get up this morning to 25 MILE AN HOUR WINDS!!! High winds just shut down my dinner party…the Big gASS grill does not stay lit in this shit. To say that I am disappointed does not even begin to cover how I feel….and sad to say tomorrow is suppose to be windy too. Rex has Friday and Saturday off…..wonder what the wind will be like those days?????
Now on a much happier note, we got a surprise visit today from Paul and Bailey. Bailey loved waking up Rex, she jumped in bed with him and he got right up.
For anyone that has been wondering about my Mother, she is doing great. She is currently in a nursing home, but we are looking into an assisted living facility which would fit her needs much better. Her short term memory is not good but she has most everything else straight and truth be told, her short term memory has not been good for quite a while. Thank you for all your good wished and prayers….I am very grateful and best of all, it worked!