Bye, Bye Delilah
By Mary The alarm went off at 3 AM and it was up and at 'em to get Delilah to the airport. Everything went really smoothly and in fact, the plane left 7 minutes early. Since Delilah is a minor and traveling alone, I was allowed to go right to the gate with her. That is the plane that took her away this morning. I must admit that I got teary. Delilah was a delightful house guest and a great traveling companion. She will be missed!!
This is the plane that she left Reno on. She had to switch planes in Salt Lake City. Delta Airlines was really good about taking care of her. They escorted her from plane to plane to make sure she made it and her Mother had to show ID in order to pick her up. Nikki also had to sign for her in Minneapolis.
The rest of the day was full of laundry and cleaning.
1 comments: glad to have my delightful daughter Delilah home;)
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