Good News
By Mary Good news.....when I called Human Resources today to ask about our background checks, I nicely asked if there was any way we could work this holiday week end even though the we haven't gone to orientation yet. And after checking with the Department Manager...they said yes!! This is worth about $800 to us!!! Yea!!
Otherwise the day has been kind of ordinary. This morning we went to Minden, NV to a farmer's market. Unfortunately the only real produce there was apricots, strawberries, and peaches. No veggies at all.
Yesterday Rex went to the movie "RV" with Robin Williams. Not being a movie or Robin Williams fan, I went shopping instead. Found a great dollar store and was able to stock up on "word search" books for my Mother. She likes to do them so today I sent her 15 of them. She sure will be surprised when she opens that package!
Last week Martha had a lady from a Southern restrauant on her program making a spiced apple cake with caramel sauce, so I made that for dessert along with chicken fajitas. Something different!! Good thing we liked it cuz today it's leftovers.
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