Sunday, January 17, 2010

Deppler's Baby Swiss

Sometimes the simplest project turns ugly, and Rex's brothers seem to have a penchant for finding these adventures. Renee and I are planning a trip to Laughlin which will undoubtedly be the subject of several blogs (it involves a project quite likely to turn ugly, but more on that later).

I wanted to take Rex some Deppler's Baby Swiss Cheese. Renee and I were unable to make it for a Christmas visit to Green Bay to my mother and we rescheduled for Jan 9-10. I knew I was going to be in the international cheese capital, so I let Neil know that we were coming and had a very important project. Neil sprung into action and soon we were careening down the highway in the big red suburban in search of Denmark........ is a picture of Renee, careening............

....So we found Denmark, wondering why go to Denmark to look for Swiss cheese (confusing?)..... is a picture of the cheese store in Denmark, but it is closed (and blurry to boot).... we stopped to ask directions and advice of the native Danes......... is Neil and I finally accepting the news that the Baby Swiss Cheese quest was over for that day. None here in Denmark...........

....Renee wanted to know why she and the bartender were the only women in a bar with 100 men. Turns out it was the fantasy football play-off season draft and women in Denmark don't go in for that sort of thing, much, I guess..........

The trip to GB reverted to just drinking and the unsuccessful quest forgotten. Poor Rex! We take up the story a few days later in Spooner........

...........the quest resumes with a trip to Economart, my buddy Dave's store in Spooner......

.................Nope..........Swiss, but no Baby Swiss..........

....So, today I was on my way to a hospital miles away and I passed an old cheese store in Comstock, Wisconsin (don't bother looking on the map, it's too small)......... many small Wisconsin towns, the largest building is the cheese factory. This one was owned for many years by a man named Blaser, friend for many years of our Dad. Blaser was a horse nut and his grandkids competed (and lost) against Hannah at shows for many years.

This was a hot lead!.........

..........this, by the way, is the chalice, the holy grail. I did not find it in Comstock. After I got zipped, I got back in the car. My blackberry dinged that I had a message or something (who knows what that ding means) I checked it. There was an e-mail from Rex. He asked me to bring him a couple pounds of Deppler's Baby Swiss Cheese when we come out this week!............. his e-mail he pointed out that I could find it in the Deli section of Dave's Economart right under my nose in Spooner!

Thanks for the tip, brother, your precious Deppler's is safely on the way to Laughlin

Uncle Hans