Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Oberlanoer Swisslace Cheese

Well, we were shopping ad Dave's Economart in Spooner and ran into something new. This product makes some big claims so we decided to try it........

.....with this on the label, how could we not?!........... looks good in the deli case, and the price is OK............

.....So, what the heck, cut us up half a pound.............'s not advertised as "Baby Swiss" but it sure looks like Baby...........

.....the first bite tells the whole story. Looks and feels like plastic and tastes about the same....................

..........the OD would just laugh and throw the rest away. The Bern Bear would disavow any connection with this product.

Just thought you all should know.................

By Uncle Hans


Anonymous said...

Yup. That cheese tastes the same everywhere. Bad doesn't describe it.
