Charitable Giving
In my mailbox one day, was a fundraising letter from the American Heart Association. I have had solicitations before and just filed them in the circular file.
But I looked at it and thought about the fact that my son has had open-heart surgery. So a modest sum was sent.
A tsunami ensued!! My mailbox became loaded with solicitations. I'm not going to list them all but I would say at least 10 different charities sent me stuff. And when I say stuff, I mean stuff.
I started receiving return address labels and scratch pads. Lots and lots of them. And all so cute with seasonal themes, think Christmas, Halloween, spring, winter, and all so very cute! I would feel bad to ignore them so I gave myself a small budget to sort of "spread around".
That just created an avalanche of mail. Whatever donations I have given, have long since been used up in printing costs. Does that make any sense???
This is just a small pile of the stuff I have received.
Sometimes my mailbox has solicitation letters, I file them in the circular file.
Let me clarify, I file them after removing the usable "stuff". I just could not see that filling a landfill with them gained anything. I am confident they will quit sending stuff as I have quit sending money.
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