4th of July, Spooner Style !!!
This day started like most others, with a few minutes watching the sun come up from the hot tub. But this was July 4th........

.....there were 18 entries. We have no formal judging or prizes like some lakes. Therefore, we clearly won......

.........the weather was perfect, the first really good weather we have had all summer. How convenient.......

We have a nesting pair of eagles on the lake, although they have not"produced" for a few years. This one is just perched high in one of his "eating trees" and watched the parade and festivities for most of the day.........

.......this close-up shows he is not all that happy about the disturbance of his peace. But he should relax. In a couple of days, Cable Lake belongs to pretty much just him and his wife..........

........as the sun went down, the crowd got restless in anticipation of
the fireworks. We invited Wendy's new Buick because of the the killer satellite stereo system.........

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