E-Bay -- The Experience
By Mary Ever since I have been making my own pizza...complete with my own pizza dough, I have been wanting a rolling pin to roll it out. I got tired of using a glass real quick. I knew exactly what I wanted and it was a double ended one with two different sizes of rollers and the rollers were wooden. Pampered Chef used to have them but of course when I was going to Pampered Chef parties I had no use for one...but now I am hot for one. I looked for one like it at Wal-Mart and Bed, Bath, and Beyond--but no luck. I also could not find one at Pampered Chef's website. So for some reason I got the bright idea to check out E-Bay which I have never bought anything from. Lo and behold...they had exactly what I wanted!! So I had to create an E-Bay account to be able to bid on it. When I made my first $5.00 bid there was about 5 days left. To make a long story short, I got the roller and I love it!! I ended up paying $13.01 and about over $8.00 for shipping. Oh well, and it is exactly what I wanted and I got it!!
This past week we had the Celebrity Golf Classic here at the Lake. Unfortunately, I didn't see any celebrities, but Rex saw Maury Povich and Connie Chung walk through the casino. He has all the luck!!(Although I don't know how lucky you are if they are the celebrities you see).
This is a neck update. Remember my red neck that looked like I was a hanging survivor??? At one of the 4th of July arts and craft shows, I bought a home made skin remedy called "Scotty's Skin Cream". It worked!! I have even bought another jar. He has a website too called www.bestgameproducts.com. I have it on my favorite list in case I need more.
Today was our day off and we completed our "to-do" list. That is good cuz it was very long. For supper Rex is having a grilled pork chop and I am having grilled red snapper with tomato avocado salsa. Still playing with the new grill--I am waiting for the propane to run out!!
Countdown time....50 days till we pull out of Lake Tahoe and 55 to 56 days till we get to Wisconsin!!!!!!!!!!! The countdown continues!! I will be READY!!
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