What A Day.....OFF
By Mary A day off..we are happy about that!!
Out of the gate it is obvious that Rex and I have different styles. He gets up and makes coffee, reads SEVERAL on-line newspapers, his favorite blogs, and catches up on e-mail..while I, on the other hand, hit the floor running. I had 4 loads of laundry done, dishes washed, plus various other household chores taken care of b4 Rex was done with his computer stuff!!! While I am not complaining...it is sometimes a question of equity!! Who (in my mind at least) do you think is on the short end of the stick??
So this afternoon we went to Brothers..to have a day off drink. As is normal, we got into a discussion of our trip to WI and all the plans we have. The most prevalent, of course, is our Cheese Days menu. We are SO looking forward to seeing everyone and cooking. I can assure everyone that the Big gASS grill will get quite a workout!! I can also ensure that anyone around the campfire that wants to eat will be well satisfied with our menu!!
Our next day off will be Thursday and we plan to go to Placerville, CA about 60 miles from here to see the historic downtown area. It is also very close to Sutter's Mill where the California gold rush started.(I always thought that was in Southern CA but that is not correct.) According to my info, Placerville and surrounding area is home to many fine wineries. I am very anxious to visit.
OK it is now countdown time....We are leaving Lake Tahoe in 43 days....and will be arriving in WI in about 48 days. I can't wait!!
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