Five Down and Two To Go!!
By Mary Today is the fifth day we have worked in a row. We still have to work tomorrow and Sunday before we have a day off. And Monday list is getting really long. Lots of stuff to do on our one day off.
Today I dealt roulette and had a player that was paying $25 chips which means whenever he hit a number the payoff is $875.00. Once he had $100 on a number and it hit which means he won $3,500 for that roll...and he did back to back. In other words, he made $7,000 in two spins. Must be nice to have that type of disposable income. Believe me he lost a lot more than he won.
Rex made us burgers on the new grill today, he also used Jack Daniels chips to smoke them but that didn't turn out very well. Oh well, we will have the kinks out by September.
A week ago I e-mailed a "letter to the editor" to Redbook magazine about a series they have. The series is about three women that were selected to participate in a lifestyle change. The series is lifestyle changes to become fit and healthy. They sent experts into their homes to go through their cupboards and refrigerators. They had consultations with doctors and trainers. In fact the trainer is one that is connected with the show "Biggest Losers". Anyway to make a long story e-mail will be published in the September issue of Redbook Magazine. Cool, huh??
Well it is time for the countdown...52 days to departure AND 57 or 58 days till we are in Wisconsin...........under 60 days!!!
I like it and I am really anxious to see everyone.
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