Reflections on the Lake
By Mary My actual mood is pensive (although I am pretty lucky) but angelfire doesn't have that mood selection.
As we finish up the 2006 season at Lake Tahoe, I can't help but compare 2005 to 2006. Last year we did a LOT more hiking, of course this year we worked more hours so we had less time to hike. I really missed hiking and hope we can do more next year. Also this year from Memorial Day when we started working, until the end of July we didn't have consecutive days off and we usually had a 6 AM start the day after our day off. You have to go to bed really early in order to get up at 4 AM.
In late July we did plan a trip to Placerville and the surrounding wineries. I am really glad we made that trip, it was fun and the scenery was awesome....really made me think of home. I also think Rex did a nice job with the web page--loved the picture of the wine we got.
Of course I have to talk about the summer weather at Lake is PERFECT. We wore shorts every day but NEVER ran the air conditioner, I think it rained once so blue skies and sunshine every day, NO humidity, and the number ONE best thing about summers in Lake Tahoe...NO bugs..that's right,no flies and no mosquitoes. It is any wonder I say the weather in Lake Tahoe is perfect?? I will be glad to leave because I am very anxious to see my family, but I know I will be ready to come back to "The Lake" for the summer of '07.
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