By Mary We are definitely on the road again!! It was up and at them this morning. It started to rain before we left so we had to work at a faster pace than we normally do when we have a short travel day. Anyway we pulled out at 9:15 this morning and headed West. Driving conditions were really shitty, heavy rain and really low visibility. They did improve once we got past the Rochester, MN exit so that was helpful.
When we got close to Austin, MN, I noticed a sign for the “Spam Museum” and I actually thought that sounded kind of interesting. Needless to say, we decided to visit it. I did mention to Rex, on the way in, that I went to high school with a guy that ended up being an executive with the Hormel Company and at one time he was based in the Austin plan but the last I heard he was in South Carolina. Anyway when we got there we were informed that the museum is closed on Mondays but the gift shop is open. I couldn’t resist the lure of a gift shop and the thought of SPAM postcards to send so in we went. The gift shop lady turned out to be the wife of the guy I went to high school with…..I was really surprised to see her and we had a great visit. It truly is a small world! We bought six postcards and made them all out to various people. Oh and of course we did buy some SPAM and we had fried SPAM sandwiches for lunch. It was good for a change. A SPAM sandwich once every ten years or so is about the right amount!
From Austin it was about 40 miles to today’s destination. So here we are parked in the parking lot of the new Diamond Jo Casino, where we will be spending the night. Early tomorrow morning we will be heading to Sioux Falls in the car to take care of driver license renewal and a few other things.
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