Sunday, May 18, 2008

Art, Seafood, and Wine Festival

It's Saturday and on the schedule is the Art, Seafood, and Wine Festival in Gold Beach, Oregon. Rex usually selects the sights we see and the thing we go to, but this was definately my idea. I first saw the sign adversiting this festival over a week ago and decided it was something I wanted to do.

This is the sign that was on the door to the events center this morning when we got there. We were early so had to wait about 15 minutes for the door to open.

In addition to wine, food, and artworks, there was a flower competition like they have at the fairs at home. Here are some of the entries...I would hate to do the judging!!

This is the display of wines at one of the booths....

The $10 admission fee included a wine glass. Rex decided we should set up our (my) purchases with the Pacific Ocean in the background. Turned out to be a beautiful picture....

For some reason, we decided I should be in the picture with wines...does that make me the wino of the day??

On the way back to Crescent City, we stopped at a brandy distillery. The brandy is aging in these casks. Does anyone think we need to be involved in AA??

This display was on the way to Gold Beach...these are made out of horseshoes and whoever did them is very talented I think. These are along the road of a farm that grows Easter lilies.....turned out this area is touted as the Easter lily capital of the world. You just never know what interesting things you are going to run into!!