Thursday, December 31, 2020

House Plant

When I was a kid, if my mother thought I was spending too much time indoors, she would tell me to go outside and not be a houseplant.  

I still spend a lot of time outdoors.  Don't want to be a houseplant!  Walking is a lifelong outdoor activity.  Most days, I walk between 4 and 5 miles.  Good thing, because I had an 8:00 AM haircut appointment this morning.  When I got in the car at 7:45 AM it would not start.  I called the saloon and said my car would not start and I could walk (it's only 1.25 miles away) but would be late and could they still see me.  The temp when I left home was 28 degrees, but no wind and sunshine.  In other words, a perfect winter day for a walk. 

Rex said he liked my haircut.