The Farmer's Market, South Lake Tahoe
By Mary Today we worked 6AM to 2PM and since it is Wednesday...........we went to Carson City to the Farmer's Market after work. I just love going to the Carson City Farmer's Market!! We find such wonderful fresh produce from Northern California. As I am blogging, Rex is having a really great time making green bean soup. He just said the green beans are so fresh they squeak like cheese curds. He is in "Hog Heaven"! We also got cauliflower, celery, purple onion (also in the soup), strawberries that were picked TODAY and are just about the best I have ever tasted, corn on the cob, red leaf lettuce, and zucchini. As I already mentioned..I love Farmer's Markets!
Then we did the Wal-Mart run and after coupons, spent $158.00. How does that happen for two people?
I really like the food network and Rachel Ray. She uses a grill pan a lot so today we got a Lodge Logic grill pan. Of course, Rex has a rule..if I bring something in, I have to throw something out. So goodbye George Foreman grill!! Sorry you have to go to make room but such is life. He is using it to grill the bratwurst for the green bean soup...and I think he likes it!!
My daughter Nikki has referred to the following picture as "the look" so here is Maxine's look for everyone to enjoy..
This is a comment on the DARK SIDE. When we left Laughlin on May 5 we went to Vegas and camped two nights and at that time, I noticed a very dry red looking mark on my neck. It almost looked a a rope in being hung...well I lotioned the hell out of it and it finally went away. Well, lo and behold..yesterday it showed up again. I am not sure if it looks like a rope burn or a garrote mark!! Do you think Rex is trying to do away with me in my sleep??? Maybe it is like voodoo and he is dreaming of garroting me or hanging me and it is manifesting itself on my neck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All I can say is ..if I turn up dead....make sure CSI is on the case!!
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