On The Road - Day Two
By Mary Happy 39th Birthday to my son, Chad!!
We got our 5:30 wake up call and got right up. They had breakfast at the Econ-Lodge. You know, cereal, toast, orange juice (icky tang), and hard boiled eggs. The eggs had that green ring around the yoke....I guess they don't watch Martha.
We were on the road by 6:30. We passed from New Mexico into Texas, then on to Oklahoma. Then we got to Kansas...let me tell you, the state troopers in Kansas were working!! We saw at least 6 in the first half hour. Kansas was long, long, long. We were mostly on a two lane highway and ran across a lot of road construction. Didn't make good time at all.
Heather was driving so I was looking the map over, and made an executive decision. We are NOT going through Kansas City. I decided to take the tollway to Topeka and then go through St. Joseph MO. It was so much more relaxing, the tollway had very little traffic on it and only cost $2.25.
Heather has been hanging in there really good today as we logged 777 miles in 14.5 hours....not an easy day for a pregnant lady!!
So tomorrow is day three and should be an easy one....about 400 miles!!
OK it is time to go to bed and wait for the 5:30 wake up call.
Good Night!!
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