It Just Keeps Rolling Along
By Mary So after work today Rex wants to go to Brother's Bar for a payday drink-never mind that payday isn't until tomorrow---- So bring the notebook he says. OK I will - I take dictation and direction well.
We have to plan our trip home
Our Cheese Days activities
Our Oktoberfest activities
Our trip west plans
Our November Pahrump company plans
and on and on...WOW!!
Of course it is what we enjoy doing, planning and executing those plans!! We WILL be ready!! At some point I am sure one or the other of us will utter those famous words "I love it when a plan comes together". Suffice to say we are anxious for our vacation to get started!!
When we got home from Brother's, I packed up some of my knick knacks for the ride home...(Wisconsin will ALWAYS be home). Day by day we get are getting ready so everything is not left for the last minute.
OK today was just a work day....we got our 8 hours in and that is a good thing since we will most likely be off for 11 weeks. A person really has to think about things to be without a paycheck for that long!!
OK 13 days we are leaving Lake Tahoe for the 2006 season and 14 days from today we should be driving across Wyoming. There is really beautiful scenery in Wyoming and I am looking forward to seeing it!!
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