Omelets In A Bag
The "omelet in a bag" is an old idea, first learned form Rex and Mary, perhaps at Cheesedays 2006. Jake remembered it, however, and was in charge of the production this year.
........he had all the ingredients prepared beforehand and laid them out for us to build our own as he guided us through the process..............
.....he said some folks just put the ingredients in the bag and shake it, but he prefers to mix or scramble the eggs before adding.........
....pick your favorites from the smorgasboard, like peppers, cilantro, ham, bacon, etc............ add the eggs.........
....put it into boiling water, in this case a turkey cooker powered by propane, Watch it until the ingredients don't stick to the plastic bag anymore............... and eat!!
So easy that even an, old........ Swiss..... fool............ can do it......... in the rain...........
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