Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Spooner Bird Feeder

By Uncle Hans

Something I have always wanted was a good birdfeeder to watch in the winter.  Having Grandma Jean here gave me the reason I needed to do what I should have done years ago.  Here I am attaching the ropes to a beautiful feeder I got from my  mortgage broker the last time I refinanced the house.  It has been gathering dust in the garage............

2010-10-15_13-12-45_331 a Rechsteiner project is simple, and usually involves complicated danger and poor logic.  So out comes the ladder.......


......................I want the feeder to hang right in front of the window, inches from my face and constructed so the squirrels won't get in it.  It must be easy to access so it can be filled without repeating the whole illogical complicated dangerous ladder thing.  So we have a sturdy hook in the edge of the roof (small silver thing in the picture) and some pretty yellow rope............


......then we tie the rope to the feeder (I sure hope this knot holds....God-damn Eagle Scouts!!)............


.....and UP SHE GOES.............



....after some testing we lowered it to fill it.............


.....we raised it into the final position............


.........Here it is, just as planned, a few inches from my face.  Will the birds find it??  more pictures later, I am sure.......


By Uncle Hans