by Uncle Hans I am trying something new this morning, by sending in a blog entry with no pictures. How boring. I thought of this while driving and daydreaming a few days ago.
Years ago I read a book called Travels with Charlie. It occurred to me to recommend the book to Mary as I thought she would get a kick out it. Then I thought about your entire blog audience, since it is an RV blog, basically. This book was written by John Steinbeck, one of America ’s most famous authors. He had written Grapes of Wrath, Red Pony, Cannery Row, East of Eden and many other great books. In his retirement he decided to write one more. It is basically America ’s first RV blog!
He buys a pick-up camper and sets off to see America with his standard poodle, Charlie. It is a fun read, and it caused me to buy my first of many standard poodles, which we named Charli (actual name: Charlotte the Harlot).
Anyway, there you have a blog without pictures for the intellectual types in your audience. All his books are available at the library.
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