WOW...I Was Just Thinking About That!!
By Mary Ok it is Thursday July 26th...we went to work today at 1 PM so at 8:30PM I got tapped off and are off. That sucks, they are kicking me out 1/2 hour early. This after I was sure I would make my 8 hours - no problem.
As I was driving us home, my mind was doing it's usual wanderings and I was thinking...Gee I wonder when Heather is going to have that baby. It was on my mind a lot during that six mile drive.
So we get home and are changing into lounging clothes and Rex notices a the message light flashing on my cell. It is from my daughter Nikki-at that point I verbalize the baby thoughts I had on the way home. Sure enough, Nikki is calling to say that she is on the way to the hospital, Heather's water broke and she is dilated to 4mm, the call came about 1/2 hour before we got home. Of course I returned the call, no baby yet but things are progressing. How exciting!!
We already know the baby is a boy so I asked what his name is: Randy James. Heather's husband's name is Randal and her father-in-law's name is James. Works for me....but since they call my son-in-law Randy I hope they call the baby Rand so there isn't any confusion, Junior is a pain for a kid. I do have to say Randy has waited a LONG time to have a son...he and Heather have 3 girls!! He deserves to have a namesake!!
OK it is 11:50 in LaCrosse now and still no baby. That will be OK with Nikki's husband...July 26th is his birthday so he is hoping the baby waits until at least midnight. I was actually hoping the baby would be born on August 2nd. That is Heather's birthday.....but I am sure she will be VERY glad when this is over!!
Baby pictures will be forthcoming....have to wait for Randy James to make an appearance!!
Randy James finally made his debut July 27th at 1:19 AM. Welcome to the world Randy James Besl!!!!
Congratulations!!! One down and one to go.
Send my Congratulations to Heather!!
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